As Aventuras Do Capitão Pirata da Barba Verde
Livro infantil bilingue que ilustrei em parceria com a escritora Claudia Neufeld. As ilustrações foram feitas no Photoshop, usando técnicas de pintura digital e uma mesa digitalizadora Wacom Intuos. O livro foi publicado pela editora Alaude e tem o selo Tordesilhinhas.
The Adventures of Captain Pirate Green Beard
Bilingual children's book that I illustrated in a partnership with the writer Claudia Neufeld. The illustrations were done in Photoshop using digital painting techniques and a Wacom Intuos. The book was published by Alaude and has the Tordesilhinhas seal.
The Adventures of Captain Pirate Green Beard
Bilingual children's book that I illustrated in a partnership with the writer Claudia Neufeld. The illustrations were done in Photoshop using digital painting techniques and a Wacom Intuos. The book was published by Alaude and has the Tordesilhinhas seal.